EUROPE: ECPA Conference 22-23 May 2019
11 March 2019
Europe: Update of EC Guidance on Generating and Reporting Methods of analysis (SANCO/3030/99 rev.5)
30 March 2019EFSA has released the revision 3.1 of the Pesticide Residue Intake Model. The following modifications were introduced:
- A new spreadsheet was added to facilitate the conversion of MRLs derived from the European Commission database in a format compatible with PRIMo;
- Correction of a number of large portion consumption data;
- Correction of unit weight data;
- Correction of TMDI calculation;
- Correction of the calculation of the threshold residue in processed products (IESTI case 2a and 2b);
- Editorial modifications.
A comparison of old and new versions indicates that the revisions impact the acute risk assessment, for several commodities, but not the chronic risk assessment.
To download:
Pesticide Residue Intake Model – EFSA PRIMo revision 3.1 (update of EFSA PRIMo revision 3), EFSA Supporting publication 2019:EN-1605
EFSA PRIMo revision 3.1 (spreadsheet)
See also our previous articles:
EUROPE: New version of the Pesticide Residue Intake Model (PRIMo rev. 3)
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