FRANCE: Updated list of substances concerned by the Tax on Diffuse Pollution for public consultation
30 October 2020
EUROPE – COM: Updated overview of AIR4 and AIR5 applications
30 October 2020ANSES published in June 2020 the first interpretation of the national survey results of pesticides substances in outdoor air (Campagne Nationale Exploratoire des Pesticides, CNEP) (see our previous article). 32 priory substances had been identified for further review for possible inclusion into a national pesticide monitoring plan in air.
A revision of this report has just been published in October 2020. Some precisions have been included and in particular the addition of hazard scores for carcinogenic, reprotoxic and endocrine disruptor effects and those leading to the inclusion of the substances in the list of the 32 substances of interest.
To download:
See also our previous articles:
FRANCE: Air quality monitoring, Anses identifies 32 priority substances
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