FRANCE: ANSES published a report on agricultural professional exposure to pesticides
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5 August 2016ANSES issued an Opinion on 19 July 2016 to propose criteria for endocrine disruptors (EDs) that can be used to define the French contribution to the ongoing community discussions on this issue.
This review is based firstly on the 4 options defined by the European Commission (EC) in the roadmap on EDs subject to public consultation in 2014. And secondly, it integrates the proposal of criteria for EDs identification that the EC made public on 15 June 2016 as well as several texts proposing a draft amendment to the regulations in force concerning plant protection products and biocidal products.
As a reminder, the 4 options of the 2014 roadmap were:
- Option 1: No policy change. No criteria are specified. The interim criteria set in the Biocidal Products and the Plant Protection Products Regulations could continue to apply;
- Option 2: WHO/IPCS definition (hazard identification);
- Option 3: WHO/IPCS definition and introduction of additional categories based on the different strength of evidence (cat. I, II, III);
- Option 4: WHO/IPCS definition and inclusion of potency (hazard identification and characterisation).
ANSES considers that the current choice of the EC, only partially corresponding to option 2 leads to identify only the “known” EDs and not the “presumed” EDs. The experts regret that choice. ANSES supports Option 3 that differentiates the concepts “known” EDs, “suspected” EDs and “endocrine active substances”.
The agency also recommends the application of criteria including the weight of evidence, considering that such a system would allow the application of a single classification and a management adapted to the different regulatory frameworks according to the uses and populations.
ANSES emphasizes the need to distinguish the definition and the identification of an ED (either to human health or the environment) which should be conducted by a single body at European level (e.g. ECHA), from the approval procedures for these substances according to their use.
To download:
Draft legal act under the Plant Protection legislation
Draft legal act under the Biocidal Products legislation
Our previous article:
Europe: Presentation of criteria to identify endocrine disruptors
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