FRANCE: Tax on the sale of Plant Protection Products (Order 09 March 2016)
27 March 2016
FRANCE: Update of the list of spray drift reduction equipment
8 April 2016In France, the use of plant protection products is banned in places quoted by Article L. 253-7-1 of the French Rural Code (in French), namely school playgrounds and spaces usually frequented by pupils within schools, spaces usually frequented by children within nurseries, nurseries and leisure centers, playgrounds intended for children in public parks and gardens. The use of plant protection products is also banned near these places and near hospital centers and hospitals, private establishments for health, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, elderly centers and disability services center.
However, there are two exceptions: low-risk products and products for which the classification only contains some risk phrases.
The Authorities have just set the list of phrases (Order of 10 March 2016). All of them are related to hazard for the environment:
– R50, R51, R52, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59 (classification from Order of 9 November 2004) ;
– H400, H410, H411, H412, H413, EUH059 (classification from Regulation (EC) No.1272/2008).
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