FRANCE: Risks/Benefits of neonicotinoids compared to their alternatives
31 May 2018
FRANCE: Usable in Organic farming (UAB) claim granted to more than 50 new products
31 May 2018ANSES has published an update of the risk-mitigation measures that appear the most frequently and that are described in the Annex to the Guidelines for the delivery of approvals of plant protection products and adjuvants on 02/04/2018. This update follows, inter alia, the publication of the Order of 4 May 2017 on the use of plant protection products and their adjuvants, repealing the Order of 12 September 2016.
The main changes are as follows:
- Measures concerning residues and consumer exposure: two new measures to manage the risk of MRL exceedance for perennial crops
- Measures concerning risks to the environment:
- Aquatic organisms:
- New SPe 2 phrases relating to soil types, products to be incorporated into the soil, depth of sowing and wastewater discharges from off-ground greenhouses
- New SPe 3 phrases for unsprayed buffer zone to water surface bodies for uses on potato
- Unsprayed buffer zone to water surface bodies up to more than 100 meters
- Birds and mammals: new SPe 5 and SPe 6 phrases relative to treated seeds
- Aquatic organisms:
To download: Annexe aux lignes directrices pour la délivrance des décisions relatives à la mise sur le marché des produits phytopharmaceutiques et adjuvants (in French)
See also our previous articles:
FRANCE: The new Order on the Use of PPPs and adjuvants is finally published!
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