FRANCE: National PPP uses catalog – New DGAL memo
30 September 2020
ANSES – E-Phy: Website evolution
6 October 2020The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) has published on its website information concerning Brexit whose transition period soon expires on 31 December 2020.
Thus from 01.01.2021, a new independent pesticides regulatory regime will operate in Great Britain with national decisions based on national rules. In Northern Ireland, the EU pesticides regime will continue to apply after the end of the transition period, in the same way as during the transition period.
The HSE will remain the sole national regulator for the whole UK.
Firms are informed on how to prepare different kind of dossiers in Great Britain:
– For active substance approvals: For the existing ones, they will continue to be valid in Great Britain until their current expiry date which will nevertheless be extended for 3 years for substances that expire before December 2023. For new active substances, Great Britain and the HSE will make their own decisions. A statutory register for approved active substances will be published on the HSE website from 01.01.2021. A specific program is actually in development for the review of the safety of active substances.
– For PPP authorisations: For the existing ones, they will continue to be valid until their current expiry date. For new applications, same data requirements and same formats as actual will be required by HSE. Active substance must be first approved in Great Britain to be used in a PPP.
– For MRLs: Great Britain will set MRLs based on their assessments but all existing MRLs will remain valid until they are amended.
– For mutual recognition: New applications for mutual recognition of authorisations in European Member States will no longer be accepted, except for existing applications for which a conclusion will be raised under the national British regime.
– For parallel trade permits: New applications for parallel trade permits in Great Britain will no longer be accepted. Existing permits will be valid until their current expiry date or until 31.12.2022 for permits with a later expiry date.
See also our previous articles:
France – ANSES: Brexit impact on mutual recognitions and parallel trade permits
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