EUROPE: Review of exposure data to pesticides
31 May 2017
FRANCE: Publication of 4 Orders ensuring the entry into force of saving certificates (‘CEPP’)
31 May 2017During the EFSA peer review of pesticide active substances under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, several aspects in the area of identity and analytical methods were identified by EFSA and Member States that needed discussion with experts from national Authorities in order to enhance the harmonisation of the risk assessment of active substances.
The main issues identified were related to the quality and level of details of the assessment reports and the adherence to the new data requirements, in particular regarding analytical methods and issues related to the assessment of the impurity profiles and the proposed specifications.
All these issues were discussed in a general meeting. Recommendations were compiled on the basis of the discussions and conclusions achieved at the meeting. These recommendations will be applied during the EFSA peer review of the active substances, and are expected to provide additional clarifications to applicants and rapporteur Member States regarding the scientific interpretation of the relevant guidance documents when preparing the dossiers and the draft/renewal assessment reports.
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