FRANCE: Confirmation of the ban of two neonicotinoid-like active substances
31 December 2019
EUROPE – COM / Public Consultation: Draft List of Co-formulants Banned in PPP
24 January 2020EFSA recently released a new version (v3.0.0) of the PERSAM tool to conduct PECsoil calculations in agreement with the new EFSA Guidance Document for predicting environmental concentrations of active substances of plant protection products and transformation products of these active substances in soil (EFSA Journal 2017;15(10):4982).
This new version of PERSAM includes, among other improvements, the updates of the latest version of the EFSA guidance document (2017 release which replaced the initial guidance document published in 2015 – EFSA Journal 2015;13(4):4093).
PERSAM v3.0.0 now covers field crops grown on ridges and permanent crops in addition to the annual field crops. It also allows to conduct initial PECs calculations for microbial active substances.
PERSAM tool will be used directly for Tier 1 (pre-defined scenarios based on total area of annual crops and permanent crops) and Tier 2 calculations (crop specific) to generate PECs. For Tier 3A (more realistic approach), the tool will be used for the generation of a transfer file (initial parametrisation) that will then be used to feed updated versions of PELMO and PEARL. Hence, in Tier 3A, PECs will be generated via PELMO and PEARL models. PERSAM v3.0.0 allows to conduct calculations either at the zonal level or at the country level at Tier 2 and Tier 3A.
As a reminder, a Tier 3B using spatially distributed numerical models was also mentioned in EFSA (2017). PERSAM would not be involved in such cases. However no agreed software tools/guidance are currently available for such refinement.
Complete details of new features of PERSAM v3.0.0 can be found in section 1.2 (p. 7) of the updated PERSAM user manual, that comes with the tool (it can also be downloaded further below). PERSAM 3.0.0 can be downloaded via the ESDAC website (a request form should be fulfilled to receive a download link).
To download:
Update of PERSAM software models for predicting environmental concentrations in soil in permanent crops and annual crops: User manual PERSAM 3.0.0. EFSA Supporting publication 2019:EN-1756.
(The user manual includes the description of input screens and the Tier-1 and Tier-2 calculations of the PERSAM v3.0.0.)
Software tool for calculating the predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of plant protection products (PPP) in soil: Documented review. EFSA Supporting publication 2019:EN-1763.
(This report describes the validation of the calculation results produced by PERSAM compared to independent results.)
Update of PERSAM software models for predicting environmental concentrations in soil in permanent crops and annual crops: Software architecture. EFSA Supporting publication 2019:EN-1762.
(This report describes the software architecture of the PERsistence in Soil Analytical Model (PERSAM) software tool version 3.0.0.)
Software tool for calculating the predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) of plant protection products (PPP) in soil for permanent and annual crops: External scientific report (Final report). EFSA Supporting publication 2019:EN-1761.
(This report describes the implementation phases of PERSAM version 3.0.0.)
See also our previous articles:
EUROPE – EFSA: Guidance Document for Predicting Concentrations in Soil
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