France: Article 43 evaluation grouping for products containing more than one active substance
14 May 2019
FRANCE: Withdrawal of Diquat-based products
31 May 2019On 28 May 2019, Anses opinion on endocrine-disrupting properties of the active substance epoxiconazole was published and the withdrawal of marketing authorisations of epoxiconazole-based products was announced.
Epoxiconazole is a fungicide active substance listed as candidate for substitution by Regulation (EU) 2015/408. This substance is persistent and toxic, a suspected carcinogen (C2) and presumed human reproductive toxicant (R1B). The authorisation of epoxiconazole is under evaluation at EU level. A decision should be taken by 30 April 2020.
Further to the adoption of the European legislation on endocrine disruptors in December 2017 and to the implementation of the guidance document on identification published on 5 June 2018, ANSES immediately issued an internal assessment of endocrine-disrupting properties of epoxiconazole.
Based on this evaluation, Anses have concluded that epoxiconazole is an endocrine disruptor for humans and non-target organisms.
For this reason, ANSES has notified the authorisation holders of its intention to withdraw 76 epoxiconazole-based products from the French market.
To download:
ANSES OPINION on endocrine-disrupting properties of epoxiconazole (in French)
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