FRANCE: Withdrawal of 132 authorisations for products containing glyphosate and POE-tallowamine
29 June 2016
EUROPE: The Commission adopted the extension of Glyphosate approval for 18 months
30 June 2016Anses has given free access to all data of e-phy website.
The downloadable files contain the characteristics of each product: approval number, trade name, product type, active substance and related data (risk phrases, active substance content …) and uses of the product.
Note that the files do not contain emergency 120-day authorisations or parallel trade permits.
There are two types of files:
- XML files: they contain all the approximately 13 000 authorised and withdrawn products (plant protection products, fertilisers and growing media, adjuvants, combined products and mixtures).
The data are divided into multiple XML files. An XSD description file containing the fields and relationships is also available.
- CSV file: it contains only the about 3000 authorised plant protection products. The active substances are unfortunately not included in this table.
The files should be updated monthly. The version online is dated 13/06/2016.
Note: when e-phy data are reproduced in a document, the source “Ephy data – Anses – Date of data update” should be cited.
Useful link: www. data.gouv.fr
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