FRANCE: Focus on the bans of Amenity uses and Home & Garden products
17 September 2015EUROPE: The EU Minor use Coordination Facility has started!
1 October 2015As we had detailed in July 2015, ANSES was entrusted with new missions, including approval granting and the implementation of a monitoring system called ‘phytopharmacovigilance’.
As part of this re-organisation, ANSES strengthens its management by appointing Françoise Weber to the position of Deputy Managing Director in charge of regulated products as of September 23.
She will be responsible for signing the approval decisions on behalf of the Managing Director, Marc Mortureux.
She will also have to coordinate the various entities of the Agency (DEPR, DAMM, PPV) and will be the contact point of the French Ministries, its counterparts in Europe and in the world, and of the European institutions.