EUROPE: News in the Assessment of Metabolites in Groundwaters
20 October 2021
FRANCE – Public consultation: Draft decrees and orders on measures to protect persons when using plant protection products
27 December 2021Following this summer’s public consultation, the final version of the new Bee Order was published. It will come into force on 01.01.2022 and will thus repeal the Order of 2003.
This Order is part of the new National Plan for Pollinators for 2021-2026 released on 21.11.2021 by the French Ministries of Environment and of Agriculture.
As stated in our post of 05.07.2021, in order to reduce the impact of PPPs on pollinators when applied on flowering attractive crops, (i) the flowering-period specific assessment, applying initially to insecticides and acaricides, will be expanded to all types of PPP (except thinning products) and (ii) the PPP application period on flowering attractive crops and on “bee foraging areas” will be regulated.
The main change in the final text is the addition of an 8-month transitional measure for farmers to waive the regulated application period on flowering attractive crops and on “bee foraging areas”, provided the temperature is low enough to avoid the presence of bees.
With this Order, the use of PPP on attractive flowering crops and on “bee foraging areas” will depend on the submission and evaluation of additional studies by Anses. Anses Note of 18.10.2021 (which will be updated regularly) gives indications on the studies and assessments that will be expected (see our post of 31.10.2021).
The Order provides transitional measures for the submission of these additional studies (see our post of 05.07.2021)
The implementation of the Order requires the differentiation between attractive and unattractive crops for bees and other pollinators. A list of 14 crops considered unattractive was drafted on the basis of the EFSA bee guidance document (EFSA Journal 2013;11(7):3295) and of a document published by the United States Ministry of Agriculture (United States Department of Agriculture, Attractiveness of Agricultural Crops to Pollinating Bees for the Collection of Nectar and/or Pollen, 2017). The draft list is under public consultation from 21.11.2021 to 12.12.2021.
To download (in French):
National Plan in Favour of bees and other pollinating insects 2021-2026
Order of 20 November 2021 as Regards the Protection of Bees and Other Pollinating Insects and the Maintenance of Pollination Service when Using Plant Protection Products
Draft List of Crops that are Considered Not Attractive to Bees and Other Pollinating Insects – Version of 21.11.2021 for Public Consultation
See also our previous articles:
FRANCE – ANSES: Upcoming Evolutions for Bees and Other Pollinators (31.10.2021)
FRANCE: Public Consultation on New Measures to Protect Pollinators (05.07.2021)
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