FRANCE – ANSES : Adjustment of fees
8 July 2024EUROPE – COM: Preliminary List of Safeners and Synergists
23 July 2024Following the partial cancellation of the list of crops that are not considered attractive to bees and other pollinating insects on 26 April by the French Council of State, a revised list was released by the Ministry of Agriculture.
In line with the decision of the Council of State, lentil, pea (Pisum sativum), soybean and vine have been withdrawn. The rest of the list remains unchanged.
To download (in French):
French National list of crops that are not considered attractive to bees and other pollinating insects, as referred to in Article 1 of the “bee” Order of 20 November 2021 – Opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture of 05/07/2024
See also our previous articles:
FRANCE: List of Non-Attractive Crops for Pollinators Partially Cancelled
FRANCE: List of Non-Attractive Crops to Bees and Other Pollinating Insects
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Photo credit: Ralphs_Fotos/pixabay