FRANCE: Publication of 4 Orders ensuring the entry into force of saving certificates (‘CEPP’)
31 May 2017
EUROPE: A new database with genotoxicity endpoints
31 May 2017The new Order repealing the Order of 12 September 2006 has been published and entered into force on 08 May 2017. Seised by the National Association of Apples and Pears Producers (ANPP), the Council of State had asked the Ministry to repeal the previous text for procedural reasons.
After many discussions, this new Order finally only makes few modifications compared to the 2006 text. The main changes are as follows:
- The list of products with a re-entry period of 48 hours has been extended to products classified CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic).
- 24-hour re-entry period: products classified H315, H318 or H319
- 48-hour re-entry period: products classified H317, H334, H340, H341, H350 and H350i, H351, H360F, H360D, H360FD, H360Fd H360Df, H361f, H361d, H361fd or H362
- However, “in the case of a motivated, unanticipated and unforeseeable or imperatively necessary need”, these periods may be reduced to 6 or 8 hours provided that a tractor equipped with a cab with a charcoal filter is used if this filter is required at the time of application or that personal protective equipments required during the application phase of the product are worn.
- water points to be taken into account within the framework of this Order will be defined by prefectural Decree.
Our previous article: Public consultation on the New Order for plant protection products use
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