EUROPE – ECHA: Update of the Guidance on the Application of the CLP Criteria
21 November 2024The revised EFSA guidance document on the risk assessment for birds and mammals (EFSA Journal 2023;21(2):7790) has been endorsed at the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF) meeting of October 2024.
In order to ensure that applicants have sufficient time to carry out the required (experimental) work and in view of avoiding overlapping regulatory procedures, the Member states agreed that it will apply to active substance and plant protection products dossiers submitted from 1st October 2025 onwards.
The applicant may decide to apply the revised guidance document before. If so, it shall be specified in the dossier and the choice will be irrevocable.
As a reminder, the calculation tool associated with the revised scheme is available via the EFSA R4EU platform. The current version is now v.2.0.8 but it is still flagged as a beta version. Further amendments and bug fixes are expected in the coming months.
To download:
Implementation Schedule of the Guidance Document on Risk assessment for Birds and Mammals – PAFF-PPL-3 October 2024-Doc.A.07.01 rev. 1.1 (3 October 2024)
See also our previous articles:
EUROPE–EFSA: Revised Guidance on Birds and Mammals Finalised
EUROPE–EFSA: Public Consultation on Updated Bird and Mammals Risk Assessment
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Photo credit: MrGajowy3/pixabay