FRANCE: the order for the “Exemption from application for trial permit” is published!
16 February 2016EUROPE: Allocation of MS for AIR4 active substances
24 February 2016In France, a memo was issued on January 27, 2016 by the Directorate General for Food (DGAl) to clarify the protective measures that can be implemented near places with vulnerable people, provide guidance on arrangements for defining the minimum distance required, define physical protection measures in case of new construction.
It is a “toolbox” available to the department prefects to enable them to better understand the local situation, in the current state of knowledge.
This memo follows Article 53 (in French) of the law for the future of agriculture, food and forestry (LAAAF) of 13 October 2014 that identifies enhanced precautionary measures to protect vulnerable people during the product application.
Article L. 253-7-1 (in French) of the Code rural and maritime fishing is directly applicable as it is.
Clarifications of the memo:
Appropriate protection measures (used alone or combined)
- Dates and treatment schedules defined outside of the presence of vulnerable people
- Drift-reducing vegetative hedge
- Devices to reduce spray drift risk (in French)
If protective measures cannot be implemented, or if their effectiveness is insufficient, a minimum distance below which the use of pesticides near places with vulnerable people is forbidden must be defined:
Minimum distance:
- depending on the drift and thus on the intended uses of the products
For example, the following minimum distances lead to less than 1% of drift:
– 5 meters for field crops,
– 20 meters for vineyard,
– 50 meters for fruit trees.
In case of new construction of a facility:
Required physical protection measures:
- Drift-reducing vegetative hedge
- 5-meter width zone without the presence of vulnerable persons
See the full memo:
Memo DGAL / SDQPV / 2016-80 of 27.1.2016 (in French): Application of enhanced precautionary measures to protect vulnerable people during plant protection products application under Article 53 of the law for the future of agriculture, food and forestry (LAAAF) of October 13, 2014