EUROPE: Updated CLP Regulation comes into force
12 December 2024
FRANCE: List of substances concerned by the Tax on Diffuse Pollution for 2025
30 December 2024Anses released a new version of the note on New French Provisions Concerning the Protection of Bees. It includes several clarifications and updates including a point concerning the consequences of the correction of the national list of non-attractive crops dated of 5th July 2024 (i.e. withdrawal of lentil, pea (Pisum sativum), soybean and vine from the list; see our previous post).
The main changes to the note are summarised below:
- Uses of plant protection products (PPP) designed as trap added in the category of uses “not concerned”;
- Addition of the use category “not relevant” for amateur uses (initially included in category “not concerned”). To note, this category does not exclude that a generic protection measure, already provided for in previous versions of the note, might apply depending on the outcome of the European-part of the risk assessment;
- Removal of the paragraph “Mise en œuvre de l’arrêté pour la phrase SPe 8” indicating the different safety phrases and mitigation measure depending on the case;
- Within the framework of transitional measures:
- For PPP whose Article 43 authorisation renewal application was to be made before 1st July 2024: it is reminded that PPP other than insecticides and acaricides for which the complementary data has not been submitted can no longer be used on flowering attractive crops and on foraging areas. Labels shall be updated by marketing authorisation holders;
- For PPP whose Article 43 authorisation renewal application is to be made after 1st July 2024: additional details are provided for the submission of complementary data.
- Within the framework of the correction of the national list of non-attractive crops:
- Case of decisions issued from 1st January 2022 onwards:
- In case of uses out of the flowering period or on crops under closed protection structures only, or in case of pheromone-based PPP or of PPP designed as trap, no modification is required;
- In case of PPP with a SPe 8 mitigation measure already prohibiting application on flowering attractive crops, the restriction will be extended to the crops newly considered as attractive;
- In other cases, Anses will perform a complementary assessment on the basis of the data and assessments previously made available to rule on a change in authorisation conditions.
- Case of PPP whose Article 43 authorisation renewal application was to be made before 1st July 2024:
- If the dossier is not under evaluation yet (ongoing category 4 studies and/or application pending a grouped evaluation for a PPP containing several active substances), it will be possible to submit the complementary data with the complete dossier;
- If the evaluation of the dossier is ongoing, it will be possible to submit the complementary data via a modification of conditions of use dossier.
- Case of PPP whose Article 43 authorisation renewal application is to be made after 1st July 2024, with a timeframe that does not allow the submission of complementary data, the complementary data will be accepted for inclusion in the ongoing dossier if submitted within 3 months after the completeness check confirmation. After this deadline, complementary data will have to be submitted via a modification of conditions of use dossier.
- Case of decisions issued from 1st January 2022 onwards:
To download (in French):
Anses Note on New French Provisions Concerning the Protection of Bees – Version 3 (16 December 2024)
See also our previous articles:
FRANCE: Revised List of Non-Attractive Crops to Bees and Other Pollinating Insects
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Photo credit: PollyDot/pixabay