EUROPE – COM: Update of the analytical guidance document for residues
30 November 2023
EUROPE – COM : Update of the working document on the evaluation of MRL confirmatory data following Article 12 and risk management decisions
1 December 2023As part of the measures to protect residents, the Order of 27 December 2019 on measures to protect people when using plant protection products (PPP) introduced various safety distances between treated areas and residential or open to the public areas. An incompressible 20-metre distance applies when the product contains a substance of concern (Article 14-1 of the Order of 4 May 2017).
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food regularly updates the list of PPPs for which this minimum safety distance of 20 metres must be observed.
Version 19 of this list has been updated on 21 November 2023, and repeals version 18 dated 06 June 2023.
This update concerns PPPs with valid marketing authorisation and PPPs without valid marketing authorisation but whose use remains possible under the grace period for the sale of stocks. The list includes reference, generic and resale products and parallel trade permits.
To download (in french):
Liste des produits phytopharmaceutiques pour lesquels une distance de sécurité minimale de 20 mètres doit être respectée ( version 19 – 21.11.2023)
Liste des produits phytopharmaceutiques pour lesquels une distance de sécurité minimale de 20 mètres doit être respectée (version 18 repealed by the new list – 06.06.2023)
See also our previous articles:
FRANCE – Enforcement of the new system for protecting residents when using plant protection products
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Photo credit: RitaE/pixabay