30 November 2020

EUROPE – COM / Guidance: Assessment of antimicrobial resistance of microorganisms

Applying microorganisms in the environment by spreading them as plant protection products may potentially contribute to the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) concern, through the spread of resistance […]
28 February 2020

EUROPE: Update of analytical guidance document for residues

Guidance document SANTE/12682/2019 “Analytical quality control and method validation procedures for pesticide residues analysis in food and feed” supersedes guidance document SANTE/11813/2017 from 01 January 2020. […]
30 August 2019

EUROPE – EFSA: Guidance on risk assessments for substances, impurities and transformation products that may have stereoisomers

EFSA has published a guidance on risk assessments for active substances of plant protection products that have stereoisomers as components or impurities. The document also proposes […]